I’ve discovered this phenomenon – when you commit yourself to achieving something and being accountable for it, suddenly things occur that threaten to derail your efforts.
Before you know it, this challenge you thought was physical becomes a mental and emotional fight too.
I started out this month as a motivating mum thinking it would be nice to encourage some other mums in their journey. And yet a few weeks in, I’ve discovered that I still have some battles of my own left to face.


Thankfully I’ve never been the very overweight girl. I haven’t struggled with obesity. But I did spend many years unhealthy, unhappy and unable to change it.
As a teenager I was diagnosed with a very serious liver condition and went into liver failure. I was incredibly blessed with a brilliant specialist who treated me and after 6 years I went into a stable remmission. But to achieve this I needed years of treatment with high dose steroids. I was 14, consistenly 10-15kg overweight and too sick to change it.
After my pregnancies I’ve successfully lost weight, until this last pregnancy. So I found Lose Baby Weight and promised myself to get healthy one final time.
But then November kicked off with tonsilitis, followed by a cold, then a throat infection and finally, the cold to rival all colds! Those head splitting, shuffling around like a grandma colds.
My two toddlers and baby had it, my husband had it, I had it. No rest and no way out! I started off feeling positive – “I can still do it! I’ll be fine” and quickly went downhill. I felt I was that teenager again, sick, overweight and unable to change it.
I lost my positive attitude and my motivation and started to look at myself as fat rather than healthy. Thank goodness I had the accountability of being a motivating mum for the month!
Ikept up my healthy mummy smoothies, stayed eating with recipes from the Lose Baby Weight website and began to follow the exercise plans of other motivating mums.
And just a week into it I already feel better about myself. I can achieve this! I am healthy, I am fit! With the change in attitude comes a change in response – people are now telling me I look healthy, I look good. And I do! I feel as though the last of my excuses not to become all I can be are getting burned through.
That perhaps this is more than a weight loss journey, but also a journey in working hard to become the me that was always hidden underneath. And it makes me think, what an awesome lesson to be teaching my kids everyday!
Don’t stop yourself from being your best. Don’t be afraid to rest when you’re sick and push yourself back to your goal as soon as you’re better. Because I’m worth that and so are you!
My Results

  • Starting weight: 83.3kg
  • Current weight: 63.3kg
  • Weight loss to date: 20kg

If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan is available as an 200pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here 
Plus our NEW CALORIE BIBLE is now available – get your copy today! Only $19.95 and a must have in your handbag!
Plus don’t forget to sign up for our Get Ready For Summer Challenge – it’s free and you can sign up here.
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