Cooking a fresh, low fat, healthy recipe every day can be one of the toughest challenges when you’re a busy mum who’s trying to lose baby weight. It can take a lot of planning and preparation to cook a variety of healthy meals every day, so it’s hard work to stay consistent when the easy option is not always the healthy option.
That’s why we absolutely loved Jodie Lee-Hoe’s (@leegirl87) healthy recipe of the day – her creative concoction of leftovers is an array of flavours and nutrition and would be a perfect meal option in one of our Lose Baby Weight plans. By assembling leftover chicken breast, roasted pumpkin and sweet potato, and then combining with mixed lettuce, macadamias, feta, finished off with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, Jodie has created a delicious, healthy meal in a fraction of the time you would normally spend cooking.
We thought this was great inspiration for busy mums who are trying to lose baby weight, as it’s a beautiful example of what you can pull together from the bits and pieces that are leftover each day. Whether it’s refashioning leftover roasted sweet potato and cauliflower into a healthy mash the next day, or transforming your roast chicken dinner into healthy wraps the following lunchtime, you get to cook once but eat twice. And for busy mums, anything that can save you time and energy is going to help you stay consistent in your goal to lose baby weight.
So congratulations to Jodie for becoming our fourth winner – your convenient and healthy recipe is a great option for busy mums – the Lose Baby Weight prize pack consisting of 1 x 28 day diet & exercise plan, 1 x healthy mummy smoothie and 1 x Tracy Anderson Mat Work out – all worth $100 is winging its way to you!
And don’t forget you can enter our WIN THIS PRIZE PACK A DAY EVERY DAY in JUNE by following us on Instagram – @losebabyweight and uploading your best healthy recipe photo to #losebabyweightrecipes T&C’s are here.
PLUS don’t forget we have our Winter Weight Loss Challenge on it June too – we have15% off products and plans, $3,000 in Myer vouchers up for grabs and all the helps and support to help you lose weight this winter! Find out more here.