Finding a tasty, healthy alternative to some of our all-time favourites can be tough when trying to lose baby weight, and replacements for those hard-to-resist treats are especially tricky.
Take hot chips for example – they’re the one thing that get some of us – they’re sitting on a plate looking oh-so-delicious and tempting. “Just one” you say to yourself, promising to indulge in only that solitary chip. But we all know that it’s almost impossible to stop at one. And that’s when your healthy eating plan can really hit some obstacles.
So today’s instagram winner is @eleanormumof3 for her healthy recipe alternative to chicken and chips – it’s kumara oven baked chips with grilled tandoori chicken, and a wonderful recipe to include on one of the Lose Baby Weight Plans. Simply cut your free-range chicken breast into strips, and brush with tandoori paste, and then stir-fry with your favourite vegetables (to make sure the meal is getting a good balance of vitamins and minerals) – Eleanor has opted for carrots, pumpkin and broccoli, with a few slithers of avocado on top.
The kumara (or sweet potato) chips are a fantastic alternative to normal potato chips, as they have a low GI. Peel and cut into chip-sized strips, and par-boil until tender. Then oven bake in a very small amount of olive oil until crispy. Season to taste and serve with your chicken and vegetables for a great healthy alternative to chicken and chips!
So thanks to @eleanormumof3 for sending us in her instagram of her delicious and healthy tandoori chicken and kumara chips – the Lose Baby Weight prize pack consisting of 1 x 28 day diet & exercise plan, 1 x healthy mummy smoothie and 1 x Tracy Anderson Mat Work out – all worth $100 is winging its way to you!
And if you haven’t entered the competition yet, there’s only ONE WEEK TO GO, so make sure you enter every day for your chance to WIN THIS PRIZE PACK A DAY EVERY DAY in JUNE – it is so easy to enter, all you need to do is start following us on Instagram – @losebabyweight and upload your best healthy recipe photo every day to #losebabyweightrecipes T&C’s are here.
PLUS don’t forget we still have our Winter Weight Loss Challenge on in June too – we have 15% off products and plans, $3,000 in Myer vouchers up for grabs and all the helps and support to help you lose weight this winter! Find out more here.