A healthy recipe for protein balls (or “bliss balls” as lots of recipes refer to them) is a must-have for busy mums who want to lose baby weight by putting a stop to hunger in between meals, at the same time as offering some superb nutritional benefits. Which is why we have chosen @steffaniegohr’s tempting breakfast recipe as today’s winner of our lose baby weight instagram competition.
Combine a mixture of goji berries and cranberries – a powerful double-act of antioxidants that have been linked to staving off a plethora of problems like diabetes and high blood-presure – into a bowl of natural yoghurt. Steffanie’s recipe uses homemade yoghurt – there’s some very easy to follow recipes available online, you will just need some full fat milk and a bit of live yoghurt to start it off. But a healthy natural yoghurt from your local store is a perfect alternative.
The protein balls themselves are a fantastic go-to-snack to pre-prepare and keep in the fridge, and are a great option to have available on one of the Lose Baby Weight plans. They can also take the place of some of the protein bars and gym snacks on the market if you prefer a homemade option. And not only will the protein combat hunger, it also helps build lean muscle and give your metabolism a great boost.
This recipe is easiest with a food processor; otherwise just try to get hold of pre-ground ingredients. Combine raw almonds, protein powder and raw cacao powder with a handful of fresh dates, vanilla extract, cinnamon and coconut oil and blend well. Roll into balls, and finish off with a dusting of raw coconut or cacao. Keep them covered in the fridge and use as required. A fantastic post-workout snack, or as Steffanie has shown us here, as a perfect breakfast option.
So congratulations to Steffanie for becoming our fifth winner – your healthy recipe protein balls certainly pack a punch – the Lose Baby Weight prize pack consisting of 1 x 28 day diet & exercise plan, 1 x healthy mummy smoothie and 1 x Tracy Anderson Mat Work out – all worth $100 is winging its way to you!
And don’t forget you can enter our WIN THIS PRIZE PACK A DAY EVERY DAY in JUNE by following us on Instagram – @losebabyweight and uploading your best healthy recipe photo to #losebabyweightrecipes T&C’s are here.
PLUS don’t forget we have our Winter Weight Loss Challenge on it June too – we have15% off products and plans, $3,000 in Myer vouchers up for grabs and all the helps and support to help you lose weight this winter! Find out more here.