Today’s winner of the daily intsagram competition is Josie Shinkfield (@jsshinkfield) who took a shot of her healthy breakfast recipe – delicious buckwheat pancakes with egg, spinach and fresh tomato. We love nothing more than waking up to a a tower of steaming hot, light pancakes. But when you’re trying to lose baby weight, delicious indulgences like pancakes can be off limits. That’s why this healthy recipe really hits the spot – buckwheat pancakes are a guilt-free way to enjoy something you’d normally have if you weren’t trying to hit your weight loss goals. They are gluten free, and provide a good serve of protein, iron, and B vitamins, and ideal for using on one of the Lose Baby Weight plans.
If you’ve never used buckwheat before, it sounds confusing, as it’s not actually a wheat at all. It comes from the seed of a flowering plant – it’s not a cereal or a grain, so is a great gluten-free option. To make your own you’ll need 2 cups of buckwheat flour, 1 large free-range egg, and 3 3/4 cups of milk. ADd your flour to a mixing bowl with a small pinch of salt. Add your egg and beat together. Pour in your milk and start beating. Once the mixture is thick and runny, add a small dash of extra virgin olive oil to your frying pan, and when the oil heats up, dollop in enough mixture for one pancake. Repeat until you’ve either used up all your mixture, or made enough pancakes! If you make more than you’re going to use, you can keep the extra ones in the freezer and simply reheat them when you’re ready to use – a great time-saver! To serve, Josie has opted for a beautiful poached egg, with fresh spinach and tomato. And this is where you can get really creative. Add whichever ingredients you’ve got at home as toppings, or even use some berries and yoghurt for a sweet alternative. Delicious!
So congratulations to Josie Shinkfield (@jsshinkfield), your tasty buckwheat pancakes are today’s winning instagram, and the Lose Baby Weight prize pack consisting of 1 x 28 day diet & exercise plan, 1 x healthy mummy smoothie and 1 x Tracy Anderson Mat Work out – all worth $100 is winging its way to you!
And don’t forget you can enter to WIN THIS PRIZE PACK A DAY EVERY DAY in JUNE by following us on Instagram – @losebabyweight and uploading your best healthy recipe photo to #losebabyweightrecipes T&C’s are here.
PLUS don’t forget we have our Winter Weight Loss Challenge on in June too – we have 15% off products and plans, $3,000 in Myer vouchers up for grabs and all the helps and support to help you lose weight this winter! Find out more here.