Losing weight post pregnancy can be hard work and the total number of kg’s you have to lose can seem daunting and overwhelming when you are at the start.  This is why it is so important when following any healthy eating or weight loss plan to set small and regular goals so that you keep motivated and keep going.
For example, if you have 16kg to lose and your start day is today, don’t think “Oh my God, 16kg is such a lot of weight”, instead tell yourself that you want to lose 4kg in 4 weeks so it doesn’t seem like such a scary number. Then when you reach your 4kg target set yourself another one.
Then when you get nearer to your goal weight have more specific targets such as wearing a swimsuit when you go on holiday in 3 weeks, or wearing your little black hot to trot dress that used to be a favourite pre pregnancy.
There are few things more self rewarding than seeing your body change (for the better!) and tone up, become slimmer and having more energy. The confidence you will gain is second to none and even though you will have some bad days, it is absolutely worth remembering the feeling when you get on your scales and see the numbers move down and when you try on a dress which actually does up!
It is also so important to KEEP REMINDING yourself why you are wanting to lose the weight and keep revisiting that feeling and keep imagining how amazing you will look and feel when you get to your goal.
So set yourself small goals and give yourself rewards when you get to them – and see here for what rewards you can give yourself that are NON FOOD rewards!
Good luck and click here if you would like to start our weight loss plans