Marissa Nieves, Fitness Expert for the May Energy Boosting Challenge has provided some info on the best energy boosting workouts:
Exercise is well documented as being good support for the body to cure ailments, improve mood and increase energy. Fatigue is one of the most common issues that prevent people from exercising.
Although exercising while we are unwell may not always support our immune system, if we are simply feeling sluggish, studies show exercise may actually increase energy levels and boost our mood.
If you are exercising post-pregnancy, you are already supporting your physical body to get back into your pre-pregnancy state. However did you know you may also be increasing your cellular energy and release of feel good hormones?
Try these 2 workouts in addition to weekly Challenge routines to help improve your energy on all levels:
Cardiovascular Activity
Even just a 10-15 minute walk or slow jog may be enough to improve circulation and move oxygen through the body. According to a recent Norwegian study, just 10 minutes of moderate cardiovascular activity can leave you feeling uplifted and energised for up to 2 hours!
Cardiovascular exercise enhances blood flow and carries more oxygen and nutrients to muscles. In some recent studies, just very short periods of cardiovascular activity showed an increase in energy.
Try this simple Burpee workout 1-2 times per week for an increase in cardiovascular activity and a boost of energy!
Resistance Training
Resistance training has benefits far beyond the appearance of strong, toned muscles.
Science shows with regular training, resistance activity can help to reduce feelings of fatigue and boost overall feelings of wellbeing. In addition, the body’s posture and improves, as well as breathing and coordination. A recent study from the University of Georgia in Athens, showed a 65% drop in feelings of fatigue in a group of exercisers.
Try this easy and effective Plank Workout 1-2 times per week to improve balance, posture, breathing and increase energy levels.
Sometimes we fear that physical exercise may use up extra energy and leave us feeling depleted. However, according to science, moving our body just a few extra minutes per day can result a boost of energy that can last hours.
Marissa Nieves, Fitness Expert