Hi Lose Baby Weight! April has started great for me I am re starting the 28 day plan as I have been in a weight loss Plateau for a while now after losing 30kgs  on the lose baby weight healthy eating and exercise plans and this month I am determined to get out of it.
So I have been making a weight loss food journal and making sure I am eating enough without forgetting to eat I have set alarms on lots of different things in my house to remind me.
And Yesterday my new Lose Baby Weight Exercise DVD arrived as my miss 1 year old took to scratching the last one beyond playing so after a month of not doing the DVD I started again today and it reminded me how truly awesome it is perfect for when you can fit 15min of exercise in.
Today for Instance I woke up a lil bit before the kids so did a 15min segment then then after kids at school and kindy did another 15mins then another 15mins fitted in between vacuuming and doing the washing and just like that 45min exercise done ☺
I thought I’d take my measurements today and commit to doing at least 3 segments of the DVD 5 days a week and then take my measurements a month from now and see the difference the did make to my body.
I think with the DVD and following the 28 day plan my body should get through this plateau ready to lose the last 5-10ish kgs I would like to lose, So keep an eye on the Lose Baby Weight page in the posts by others sections as I will be doing weekly updates on measurements and how I’m doing with the DVD also I try and post daily the exercise I do and what meals I eat.
I’ve lost 500gms so far this month so I’m up to 33kgs lost so far ☺
Eleanor Hannah x
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan is available as a 200pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here 
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