Few things are cuter or funnier than some of the conversations or words that come out of the mouths of our babes. While we often wish these full-on toddler years to pass quickly, once they’re gone we’ll miss them saying ‘soupcase’ instead of suitcase and ‘nibbles’ for nipples.  kids say the funniest things
We asked our community of mums to tell us some of the funny, cute and cheeky things that their kids say, but we’d love to know if you’ve got any to add to this list!

Don’t kids say the darnedest things?

  • Driving along in the car Mr 5 pipes up “I know mum, all the kids get a holiday for the Queen’s birthday so we can go to her party”.
  • Master 4 comes running out of his room yelling “I have 5 hookers in my room” – he meant hooks in the wall.
  • I was talking to my 5yo nephew about the 1980s and I asked who was born in the 80s and he replied “Jesus”.
  • My 2-year-old daughter picked up a bangle and starts holding it above her head and spinning it around and I ask her what she’s doing; “I’m being Saturn”.
  • Mr 3 to his Mr 1 brother “Jack you are driving me pumpkins”.
  • Instead of telling someone off for using a swear word Mr 4 calls it a “square word”.
  • Miss 3 said “mum you need a long piece of toilet paper, because you’ve got a big bum”.
  • Mr 3 and I were nibbling on some cashew nuts and I asked him what his favourite type of nut was, after deep thought he replies “donuts”.
  • My son’s favourite treat is to eat some of his dad’s honey soy chicken “nipples” not nibbles.  kids say the funniest things
  • We pick up my partner’s mum, nanna, from the airport heaps and my Mr 3 comes up with “are we going to the Nannaport”?
  • My 3yo accidentally bumped his head on the wall while playing and after a little while he stands up and starts wriggling around saying “I can’t get the egg off my head mummy”.
  • My daughter always used to hurt her “obow” not her elbow and had “matterations” which is her imagining something.
  • Miss 3 says ‘hip-ups’ for hiccups and whenever she forgets something she says she “misses” it.
  • I love it when my son says “Pirates in the Caravan” instead of Pirates of the Caribbean.
  • Mr 4 hurt his chin and told me “my beard hurts mummy”.
  • When my son was about 2 he said “hiccin’ uppin” for hiccups and “bless yous” were sneezes.
  • My 3.5yo never says “I love you” to my husband or I, instead he will randomly say “Happy Mother’s Day or Happy Father’s Day to us when we tuck him in bed, we know what he means.
  • Our daughter used to call tears “cry drips”.
  • My 2yo son says f*&k instead of “look”.
  • Our girls aged 4, 6 and 7 say things are “upsy down town” instead of upside down, they also called grated cheese “sprinkle cheese”.
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Every month on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, we run a BRAND NEW 28 Day Menu with a different theme so you NEVER get bored!
Next months theme is the FAMILY FRIENDLY MEALS plus some fantastic exercises to tone up your butt and thighs! – Perfect for getting the whole family involved in healthy eating and of course getting in shape for the summer months ahead.
If you are curious about the 28 Day Challenge recipes then we have a FREE 28 Day Challenge FAMILY FRIENDLY recipe and exercise pack for you to try HERE.  August family friendly challenge
Find a delicious range of healthy recipes, packed full of energy boosting ingredients and nutrients together with easy to achieve exercise.

About the 28 Day Challenge

A few key things to note are:

  • The Challenge menu is FULLY customisable
  • You have access to over 1700 exclusive recipes
  • You have access to over 300 exercise routines
  • Meals are family friendly and are made in under 10-20 minutes

For a limited time, we are offering you a HUGE DISCOUNT on the lifetime membership discount on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge – you can see this awesome offer here.

Here are some INCREDIBLE results from mums on the 28 Day Challenge.

Krystle Allan has lost over 20kg on the challenges flash back friday weight loss results - Krystle Allan

Krystle says “The other day I posted my current photo and think I got a little down on myself. Then someone asked about my before photos and wow!! Over 20kg and stacks of cm’s!  What a change! Yes I do have more goals I want to achieve with toning but look how far i have come! Not only that but my confidence has grown so much!

I couldn’t recommend the Healthy Mummy smoothies any higher and wouldn’t have achieved this result without the 28 day weight loss challenge, smoothies, books and of course this group!
Thank you for keeping me on track!”

You won’t regret it!
Join the challenge herelets-do-it