To celebrate Lose Baby Weight’s 5th BIRTHDAY, we are giving you the chance to WIN a LEGO MINIFIGURE Year by Year Visual History Book!
To enter, simply fill out the form below to tell us which Flashback Friday Winners weight loss journey has inspired you the MOST?
PLUS we have a LIMITED lifetime discount offer here as part of our birthday offer on our smoothies for you to claim – CLICK HERE to claim
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1. Tamara Deborah
Tamara has been a member of the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges for almost a year now, and has lost an enormous 35kgs of weight. Tamara says “Joining the 28 Day Challenge was literally the best decision I ever made. Gone forever is the frumpy, sad, unhappy and unhealthy Tamara. I’ve lost 35kgs and my life and my sons life is forever changed for the better. Last Summer I weighed 100kgs and was a size 18 in swimmers, heading into this Summer I’m wearing my brand new size 12 swimmers! Feeling pretty amazing! Thank you Lose Baby Weight!”
Lish says “Thank you LBW & The Healthy Mummy for giving me back confidence and self pride. So much so that I’ve taken on the role as a Motivating Mum on my local Lose Baby Weight & Healthy Mummy consultant support page! I would never have been able to do this without the support, guidance, advice and information I gain through the program and this page”.
3. Tracey Maree
Tracey says “I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE The Healthy Mummy. I never thought that in just 9 short months I would be the lightest I have been in 10 years! Only 6kgs to go and I will be back to my pre-five-babies weight from 12 years ago! Thankyou LBW for giving me back my life. If you are thinking about signing up, think no longer. You will not regret it.”
4.Tassia Yeo
Tassia has completed 2 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges, and says “In March I was at my heaviest. I was so upset when I saw this photo so in July I knew it was time for change. I’ve now done 2 x 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges and I use the smoothie mix to replace breakfast 3-4 days a week. Thanks to Lose Baby Weight I’ve lost 10kgs and 42 cms. I’ve gained confidence, energy and control of my health. No looking back now!”
5. Jess Robinson
Jess says “I started my Lose Baby Weight in January this year when bub #2 was 6 weeks old. My goal was to lose 25kgs, this was 5kgs under pre baby weight… Guess what??? I reached this by July! I have since hidden the scales & stopped measuring. Numbers do not define how I feel or look… I am so thankful for Lose Baby Weight & all you mummies for literally changing my life!!!”
So to win your little one a LEGO MINIFIGURE Year by Year Visual History Book, all you need to do is fill out the form below and choose which Healthy Mummy has inspired you the most on your Lose Baby Weight journey.