Three months ago where my weight loss journey started with the Lose Baby Weight plans and I never thought I could get where I am now.
I used to do drastic detox diets, where the weight loss results never lasted.
But in the last three months I have just used the Healthy Mummy Smoothie for lunch, weetbix with chia seeds and fruit for breakfast, and dinner I eat a normal healthy dinner. Oh and havesome healthy snacks.
I have joined a gym, where I really only do some classes. I do rpm three times a week and one boxing class a week.
My weight loss results have been fantastic. On weekends my diet is quite relaxed. I stick to it, but I’ll enjoy some yummy (not so good treats too).But this approach is working.
Here are my results so far. I started at 76 kilo and I’m now 68 kilo. My goal weight is 65 kilo. Here are my measurements from 76kilo.
Were –
- Hips 103.5cm
- Waist 102.5 cm
- Thighs 62.5cm
- Love handles 105cm
- Arms 27 cm
- Weight 76 kilo
- Waist 79.5cm -loss= 23.5cm
- Hips 96.5 – loss = 7 cm
- Thighs 58.5 – loss 4cm
- Love handles 94.5cm-loss= 10.5
- Arms 25cm – loss 2.5cm
- Weight 68 kilo – loss 8 kilo
Christine O’Callaghan
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan is available as a 200pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here
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