A big thank you to Motivating Mum Eleanor Hannah for sending in this super yummy Healthy Mummy Smoothie recipe.
The Chocolate Berry Banana Delight is packed full of antioxidants, fibre and protein making it the perfect way to start your day!
- 250 ml oat milk (or milk of choice)
- Ice
- Half cup frozen blueberries
- Half frozen banana
- 1 tsp cacao
- 2 tbsp healthy mummy vanilla smoothie mix
- Blend smoothie mix, ice and oat milk
- Then divide in to two containers
- In one place frozen banana and cacao and blend and keep separate then the other blend the frozen blueberries
- Pour the chocolate banana combo in first then pour the berry combo gently and it gives it that marbled look
Serves 1
380 Calories per serve
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Need to stock up on Healthy Mummy Smoothies? Then see our shop here