While chocolates, lollies and cakes are typically not the best options for weight loss, home made, sweet treats can be eaten in small quantities while following a healthy eating plan.
This recipe for Choc Peanut Butter Bites allows you to indulge your sweet cravings without blowing your pregnancy weight loss goals.
Packed with “good” fats that come from macadamia nuts and coconut oil, these chocolate treats can be enjoyed in moderation because they aren’t filled with refined white sugar, butter and artificial ingredients.
Dark chocolate contains beneficial antioxidants, and because of the strong, rich flavour, you only need to eat a small amount to feel satisfied.
healthy eating


  • 2 tablespoons smooth peanut butter
  • 2 teaspoons coconut oil
  • 3 drops of vanilla extract
  • ½ cup dark chocolate chips
  • Quarter of a cup of macadamia nuts, chopped

Optional Extras:

  • Top with almonds, walnuts or pistachios instead of macadamias.
  • Instead of nuts, top with shredded coconut
  • Use almond butter instead of peanut butter if preferred


  • Get 6 mini paper cases ready.
  • Melt the dark chocolate in a microwave. Depending on the wattage of your microwave, this should take between 1-2 minutes.
  • Once the chocolate is melted, stir and use a teaspoon to scoop half of the melted dark chocolate into the bottom of the paper cases. Be sure to make the sides of the chocolate bites higher, making a well in the centre (where the peanut butter filling will go).
  • Place the chocolate-filled paper cases in the freezer for 15 minutes.
  • Meanwhile, mix the smooth peanut butter, coconut oil and vanilla extract together until smooth.
  • Retrieve your chocolate-filled paper cases from the freezer, and use a teaspoon to carefully place a small spoonful of peanut butter filling in the centre of each chocolate.
  • Melt the remaining quantity of dark chocolate once again in the microwave.
  • Cover the entire top of each choc peanut butter bite with the melted dark chocolate.
  • Scatter some crushed macadamias over the top of each and place in the freezer for 3 hours.
  • Healthy BakingAfter 3 hours the chocolates will be set and ready to serve.
  • Remove from the freezer and serve at room temperature.
  • These Choc Peanut Butter Bites will keep well in the fridge.

Serves: 6. Calories per serve: 179
To see more yummy and healthy chocolate treats see our Guilt Free Chocolate Treats & Baking Book here
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