Meeting Pinky Mckay was a fantastic experience. Pinky is famous for her fabulous books which have firmly established her as the Mummy Mentor in Australia and she has helped thousands of mums regain their sanity and continues to do so. Pinky is full of life and lives her own brand (she has a marvellous pink streak through her hair and was wearing hot pink clothes) which I love and try to live by myself in my own business.
What I especially love about Pinky’s approach and Pinky’s books is that there are so many books out there that full under the “Gina Ford” schooling – which makes many mums feel that if they aren’t living by one of the set routines then they are setting themselves up for a world of pain and they drilled into mums’ heads that they must do this or they must not do that – but Pinky’s approach is so different and I just LOVE that as I hate the Gina Ford and the like routines. Pinky prescribes “Parenting by Heart” (also the name of her new book) and she teaches mums to do what they feel is right and not feel pressured into following set procedures. And when I asked her about rocking your baby to sleep (which I am guilty of at times) there was no eyes rolling or comments to make mums feel guilty – instead her response was it is not wrong if it works for you – which was just amazing to hear when every other person I have asked that question to responds with the mum having to stop that – and usually controlled crying is advised which I won’t do as I personally don’t believe in it.
So the verdict is that Pinky Rocks and you can watch my interview with her below (which has her tips for settling your baby) and check out her many wonderful books out at her website –
Pinky McKay books
100 Ways to Calm the Crying
Sleeping Like a Baby
Parenting By Heart