Wow! I cannot believe how fast one month has gone, I have lost 18kg with Lose Baby Weight!
I feel like in four short weeks I have made and seen massive changes in myself.
Not so much on the scales, they’re always incredibly slow, but within myself and my body. There’s one change in particular I want to talk about because I feel it’s been the most valuable and important change of all.
I’ve finally come to the realisation that I am the one who has complete control of my own state of happiness. Me. Not my husband, children, extended family, friends or strangers. Just me. For sure they can have an effect on me, but it is my CHOICE what that effect will be.
I wake up every morning on a normal day and I decide if it’s going to be a fabulous day. It’s an amazing feeling to know, understand and appreciate that no one has the power to define my happiness unless I choose to let them.
The most obvious people that have an effect on my happiness are my husband and children.
Like any couple we often do things that drive each other crazy. I mean, who doesn’t?
And, if I’m completely honest, sometimes we even do it just to antagonise each other on purpose. But, when I step back and look at the big picture…are the things that I let effect my happiness really THAT important?
Is it really worth losing my nut over the fact that he’s left his dishes on the sink for the zillionth time, instead of actually placing them in the dishwasher like a normal person?
I know, totally frustrating, but not worth being cranky for a day over it. And that’s what would have happened previously.
I still have days like that, but on the whole I choose not to let little things like that take the sparkle out of my day. I’m not saying I walk around on Cloud Nine all day every day with a smile permanently fixed to my face – far from it! But making the conscious decision to be happy means that I’ve gotten better at letting the little things go.
My husband honestly thinks I’ve started taking ‘happy’ pills. We haven’t argued over trivial things for a while now, because he’ll try and I smile and say ‘It’s all good!’
Pretty sure I’m frustrating him even more doing that too, but it works for me!!
There are things in life that I KNOW help me to be happy. My beautiful little family, friends, being fit and healthy, my job and, shock horror, running!
There’s at least three of those things in every one of my days so I really have no excuse. Happiness is what you make of it…sometimes it’s hard work being happy but it’s totally worth it so don’t give up on finding your happy.
This is my last blog as a May Motivating Mum. I have loved every minute of this month. I want to say a massive ‘thank you’ to each and every one of you that took the time to ‘like’ or comment on one of my posts – you honestly made my day a little brighter.
I’ve had so many beautiful ladies comment on a post or send me a PM thanking me for inspiring and motivating them. I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing that feels to know that I’ve had some sort of tiny impact on their weight loss journey.
But in all honestly, you’ve all given me so much more than I ever could have expected or imagined in return. I’ve ‘met’ and had so many amazing conversations with so many different women.
You’ve kept me inspired and motivated to continue working towards my goals throughout this month. It still completely blows my mind that in a group FULL of women there is so much love, support and positivity towards and for one another.
The Lose Baby Weight Support Page is a rare find. An absolute gem. It’s the one thing that I’ve kept going back to when everything else has fallen apart on my weight loss journey.
If you haven’t already, then you need to join up. It’s the best decision you’ll ever make. Nothing beats having 1000s of women at the ready who are happy to build you up, help you through a problem and celebrate your successes, big or small.
I wish each and every one of you the very best wherever you are on your journey. Don’t ever give up on you or your happiness!!
Bring on the Winter Challenge!
Annette xxx
P.S. I’ve gone from 90kg to 72kg. How totally awesome is that? Goal weight I’m coming for you…
Take part in the 28 Day Challenge
Don’t delay – join literally THOUSANDS of mums on the challenge with us who lose an average of 4-6kg (8 – 13 pounds) over 28 days – you can read all about it here and see how it works
For over 800 family friendly recipes with daily meal and exercise plans, join our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge made especially for BUSY MUMS – plus you do the challenge with tens of thousands of other mums and chat daily – even hourly with them for constant support in our private group.
Results from mums on the 28 Day Challenge
Mums lose an average of 4-6kg (8-13 pounds) on our 28 Day Challenge and below are some of the amazing results from mums JUST LIKE YOU who are already using the 28 Day Challenge and losing tummy fat – make the change and join them today too!
You can see lots of more results and you can join here too
Lauren has lost 46kg (101 pounds) on 6 rounds
Lauren says “I’d highly recommend starting with a 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges. It’s such a great way to learn about healthy eating and exercise….. The Challenges are perfect as they run for 28 days, with so many different customizable options for every meal and day” Join here
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You won’t regret it!