Hi Ladies
I’m Annaleese Brennan, One of your April Motivating Mummies and I have lost over 11kgs following the Lose Baby Weight healthy eating plans.
How are you finding the 28 Day Weightloss Challenge so far? I am LOVING it!
I have been really into the 28 day challenge exercises this month as its really the first time since I have had bub that I’m allowed to do anything more then low-impact stuff and even though Pilates is essentially low-impact – my goodness….its kicking my butt/abs/legs- It is the first core work that I have done in about 5 years since I fell pregnant with my now Miss 4.5.
How have you found this challenge? Have you managed to get yourself up and going after the Easter temptations? My temptations is not chocolate, its alcohol (well wine) and although I was super good with food over Easter, I slipped a little with the wine at all the social events. I’m not infallible and tomorrow is a new day. I am TRYING to be good 96% of the time.
My biggest changes that I have noticed and the NUMBER 1 reason that I started Lose Baby Weight was my Miss 4.5 who prior to Lose Baby Weight was following my footsteps of starving myself to lose weight…I joined Lose Baby Weight to change this and lead by example that healthy was the best option and exercise is to aid us not hinder. Well….pleased to say that miss 4.5 is not only eating, she has gained 2kg and she is trying sooooo many new foods (still hates peas but I can live with that) following the 28 day weightloss challenge has not only changed my life, but my families. (hubby also jumped on the scales this morning and he has lost 10 kg to my 11kg…I’m still winning lol but he hasn’t been trying the bugger haha)
Good luck with the next 2 weeks ladies and ALWAYS feel free to ask me anything!
And if you are looking for a weight loss plan designed for busy mums and family friendly, then join 1000’s of other mums on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge now.
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And join our 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges here