That’s right, dance off the kilos. Get happy, get moving and get slimmer!
You could dance in the privacy of your own home of course. But the very best thing is to dance with people to share the joy of it.
You could join a dance class and Zumba is a great idea of course, especially if you haven’t been graced with natural rhythm. But that’s not the dancing we are talking about today. We’re thinking of the sort of dancing you might have done before you had your bub. Dancing not specifically for exercise but just for feeling great and feeling alive (physically AND socially).
When we’ve been stuck at home for too long and feeling a bit frumpy with our post baby weight we can start to feel unmotivated and a little down in the dumps. Dressing up, feeling sexy and happy can do wonders for your self-esteem as a woman. And that can only help your motivation to lose weight.
Here are the weight loss stats on dancing:

  • You can burn up to 600 calories an hour during high-energy dancing
  •  Dancing improves flexibility, balance, posture and coordination.
  •  Studies have shown that people are more likely to continue with dance than most other exercise.
  •  You are not alone. Dancing is social and that can make a big difference.
  •  Dancing makes you aware of your own body. Which is great if you want to get fitter, look better and lose baby weight.
  • Dance in your home with some upbeat music on – you and your baby can have a giggle at you doing it!

So get dancing, feel like a star and get your pregnancy weight loss plans really rocking and rolling along.