My name is Tara and I am a Healthy Mummy addict! I love the food, smoothies, exercise and the support from everyone. So far I have gone from 75.5kg to currently 66.5kgs.
I am a busy stay-at-home mum to my two children (6 and 2) with the support of my husband. I am busy especially since joining The Healthy Mummy! This time last year I spent all day every day at home (apart from taking my son to school), and occasionally caught up with friends.
Now I am busy in the morning at the gym, walking or following The Healthy Mummy Exercise DVD. Afterwards I clean my house and cook meals/snacks for the next few days before collecting my kids from kindy and school.
Even housework now involves exercise. From lunges when vacuuming, squats when hanging out washing and so much more.
After Losing 9kg, Tara Is A June Winter Warrior Motivating Mum
The turning point for me was in September/October last year when I was feeling like I was in a slump.
Nothing seemed to be exciting and I felt like I had lost who I was, personally. To me I was just my kids’ mum. One night when I couldn’t sleep I was looking at Facebook (as you do) and somehow stumbled onto the local Healthy Mummy page for my area. I was amazed by the lovely ladies’ transformations and the support they were all providing to each other.
The next morning I woke up with a purpose. I was fascinated by everyone’s stories and commitment. I told my husband that I was going to start to lose weight and he brushed it off (at first, but now he’s my biggest supporter). He figured it would be like the other program I tried but didn’t stick to. Secretly I love my food too much and felt like I shouldn’t miss out when I was still cooking meals for everyone else.
This has to be one of the biggest reasons I love The Healthy Mummy Weight Loss Plan. I can still eat lots more than I was before.
To begin with I made the members’ recipes that are shared in The Healthy Mummy Community. I then ventured into joining a 28 Day Challenge membership (October).
My biggest hurdle was, although I love food, I was really bad at skipping meals and eating lots at night. The old Tara lived off a sandwich for lunch, a large tea (meat, veg/salad, deep fried chips/pasta) and lots and lots of cups of coffee. I had to start small just by simply remembering to eat breakfast, lunch and tea.
I was that bad at forgetting meals that I had to set a reminder to eat breakfast and lunch. The week after, I introduced morning and afternoon snacks, and the following week I started having desserts and drinking more water.
As I lost weight I started getting energy and motivation to exercise. I started small by going for a walk, and worked my way up to borrowing DVDs from the local library and saved up for the Healthy Mummy DVD. In January I signed up for the gym for 12 months and so far I haven’t missed a week! I go 4-5 days a week, whether for a class or to use the treatmill.
My biggest obstacle is the scales and measurements. I have a serious love/hate relationship with them. Love the scales when the numbers move down, but hate them (with a passion) if the scales stay the same even though I know I have worked my butt off. My measurements change every week as I never seem to manage to measure the same spot, so one week I will lose 1cm and the next week I would gain 2cms.
I learnt to take pictures and to compare them side by side. Even if I’m having a bad day, I look at the pictures and then look at the latest picture and go “wow’. 

Tara xx
Healthy Mummy blog signatureEvery month on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge, we run a BRAND NEW 28 Day Menu with a different theme so you NEVER get bored!

Next months theme is the SLOW COOKING AND ONE POT WINTER WONDERS! – Perfect for the chilly winter weather, SUPER easy to whip up and still just as healthy.

If you are curious about the 28 Day Challenge recipes then we have a 28 Day Challenge recipe pack for you to try HERE.
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Find a delicious range of healthy recipes, packed full of energy boosting ingredients and nutrients together with easy to achieve exercise.

About the 28 Day Challenge

A few key things to note are:

  • The Challenge menu is FULLY customisable
  • You have access to over 1700 exclusive recipes
  • You have access to over 300 exercise routines
  • Meals are family friendly and are made in under 10-20 minutes

For a limited time, we are offering you a HUGE DISCOUNT on the lifetime membership discount on the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge – you can see this awesome offer here.

Here are some INCREDIBLE results from mums on the 28 Day Challenge.


Lauren Lost 46Kg* with the 28 Day Challenges.
Lauren Loses 46kgs“Lose Baby Weight helps you understand HOW to lose weight. The SAFE way to do it, and WHY it happens a particular way. I could not recommend a program more than Lose Baby Weight.”You won’t regret it!Join the challenge herelets-do-it