Enlisting the help of your children to get chores done around the house will definitely pay off in the long run, and you can start when your kids are as young as two or three years old!
Sure toddlers can’t push around the vacuum, but if you start them on chores early then when they’re older they won’t be as reluctant to do them, maybe!

chores for kids

A list of age appropriate chores for kids

Children aged 2 and 3

You’ll find at this age little ones are desperately keen to copy what you do and so will gladly get involved in the below chores.

  • Take their dirty clothes to the laundry
  • With your supervision, fill a pet’s water and food bowl
  • Start to make their own bed, as best they can
  • Tidy up after they’ve played by packing up toys, with your supervision
  • Help a parent clean up when they spill something or bring dirt inside
  • Have some fun dusting

Children aged 4 and 5

At this age you can put together a family chore chart with your kids so they get a sticker or a tick every time they complete a task and after a day or week can get a little reward of maybe some screen time, a trip to the park or a small toy. In addition to the above list….

  • Make their bed and put their nightwear in the wash or under their pillow
  • Get dressed with only a little help
  • Bring their shoes, toys and other items out of the car into the house
  • Assist with dinner preparation, under supervision
  • Help bring in light bags of groceries from the car
  • Set and clear the table, with some parental guidance
  • Help with the feeding the family pet
  • Clean up their spillages
  • Attempt to put their towel back on the rack after shower/bath

chores for kids

Children aged 6 and 7

By this age most kids are proficient at dressing themselves and should be taking care of their personal hygiene such as brushing teeth, combing hair, making their bed and getting dressed. They might need a little push to do the above family chores plus the ones below.

  • Help to fold laundry, with supervision
  • Sweep the floor and use a dustbin and pan to scoop up spillages and dirt
  • Put their laundry away in the correct place
  • Strip their beds on sheet washing day
  • Collect the mail and newspaper
  • Be solely responsible for the pet’s food and water
  • Unstack the dishwasher, maybe just the lower shelf or non-glass or dangerous items.
  • Help with the washing up

Children aged 8 to 11

Depending on your child, they’ll either leap at or loathe chores, the best way to get them done is sweeten the deal with a reward at the end or suggest they get them done and out of the way first thing.
At this age they are likely to be in charge of all their own personal chores such as bed making, hygiene, as well as using an alarm clock and being responsible for their homework and belongings. In addition to the above list of chores, this age group can…

  • Vacuum their bedroom, help wet mop the house.
  • Fold laundry
  • Exercise the family pet
  • Take the indoor rubbish and recycling bins outside to empty
  • Help wash and vacuum the family car
  • Prepare a few easy meals, with some parental help.
  • Clean the bathroom, with guidance
  • Learn to use washing machine and put the family’s laundry away.
  • Rake leaves outside and water plants.
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