Have you tried a green smoothie? Full of vitamins and minerals, these nutritious drinks will keep you full and satisfied until your next meal. They’re perfect as part of a healthy eating plan or throughout the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges.
Today we share 8 fabulous benefits which will help convince you to put a green smoothie on the menu while you lose weight.

Fibre For Fullness

As opposed to juicing your greens, a green smoothie keeps all the fibre in your cup. When you juice a vegetable, the fibre (pulp) is removed and thrown out, meaning you don’t enjoy the benefits of the fibre which helps keep you feeling fuller for longer. That’s why you can feel satisfied after a smoothie, but could easily drink the same amount of juice and not feel full.

Save Time In The Kitchen

It’s much quicker to make a green smoothie than it is to steam or stir fry all those veggies. Use the time you’ve saved to do a quick workout or go for a walk.

Get Your Five A Day

For some people, the idea of getting their 5 serves of vegetables a day can seem overwhelming. By adding a green smoothie to your day you can get several of your vegetable serves in one meal.

Sneak In Your Least Favourite Veg

Not a huge fan of spinach? That’s OK. Adding it to your green smoothie means you can enjoy the health benefits and barely even notice the taste. Add some fruit for sweetness to make it more enjoyable.

Get The Kids Involved

Add some frozen banana for a sweeter kick and call it a ‘Dinosaur Smoothie’ or ‘Green Slime’ and you can most likely convince even the most veggie-averse kid to eat their greens.

No Need For Oil, Butter or Salt

As opposed to cooking your greens, enjoying them in a smoothie means you don’t need to add any salt or fats which is great news when trying to lose pregnancy weight.

Keep Your Cool

On a warm day, a green smoothie is a refreshing way to stay hydrated as well as satisfied.

Reduce Processed Foods

By enjoying a green smoothie you are eating plenty of real food, and reducing the amount of processed foods that you are eating.
Get your FREE Green Smoothie guide here. 
Green Smoothie Guide