healthy_eatingWhen you are trying to lose weight, the supermarket shop can be one of the most important events in your week. It gives you the chance to stock up on healthy, nutritious foods that will see you through until the week’s end.
At its most basic level, weight loss is a by-product of a healthy lifestyle. If you are putting good things in, and expending energy with some simple exercise (such as walking) – you can expect the weight loss to follow.
So if you’re not sure whether your trolley would pass the eagle eye of the Lose Baby Weight team, we’ve put together some simple tips that might help.

  • Ditch the white stuff: that refers to white bread, white flour, white rice, white pasta, sugar, and salt. Of course, there are some exceptions (you can still grab the milk, yoghurt and cauliflower!) but on the whole it’s best to go for whole grains when you can. Think brown or rye breads, brown rice, wholemeal pasta, and natural sweeteners and flavour enhancers such as lemons, lime, chilli, garlic, lemongrass and fresh herbs.
  • Fresh is best: load up your trolley with mostly fresh items (i.e things with an expiration date), such as fresh fruit, veggies, herbs, meat, natural yoghurt, cheese, and milk. You can then top up with pantry staples such as cous cous, quinoa, rice, and legumes. Fresh items tend to be lower in calories and much better for you than something that can sit on the shelf for months and months (which often means it contains preservatives to lengthen its shelf life). Be sure to grab some frozen berries though, as they are a great addition to your Healthy Mummy Smoothies.
  • Leave the frozen meals in the freezer: there aren’t too many terrific choices in the frozen meals department when you compare them to a home cooked meal. If you do need to stock your kitchen for those nights when you are flat out, why not meet half way and buy things like frozen fish or chicken fillets, frozen peas or broccoli (which have just the same goodness as fresh). Pop the meat in the oven while you steam the veg and you’ve got a quick and easy meal that is low in fat and calories too.
  • Keep the fizzy stuff clear: if you need something bubbly to sip on, avoid the sugary, caffeine filled colas and head to the soda waters and plain mineral waters. Grab some fresh lemons and limes and make your own healthy soft drinks. It will only take a little while to get used to the difference and after a time you might find regular soft drinks far too sweet.
  • Avoid your nemesis: if sweets, chocolates or chips are your downfall – avoid those aisles altogether. If it’s not in the house it is much easier to resist it. Don’t make weight loss harder by having to test your willpower on a daily basis.

And don’t forget the advice from your parents – take a list with you, shop once a week and never shop when hungry.
Good luck!
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan has now launched as an 84pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here 
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