Often the last thing a new mum wants to think about is when or if they’ll have another baby. However, sometimes the decision is taken out of your hands and you find yourself with three children aged 3.5 years and under.
There’s so many reasons why having a decent age gap is smart, both from a physical and mental point of view, but there’s also an upside to having your babies close together.
15 reasons why having a small age gap between babies is a good thing
1. While parenting on just a few hours sleep is tough you soon get used to it and when the second one comes along you’re already prepared for how exhausted you’ll be.
2. Having a year or so between babies does mean you’ll be changing two, or three, lots of nappies at once, but you become such a ninja at it you can do it with your eyes closed.
3. Mums who want or have to return to the workforce will get to do so much quicker if they have their babies within a year or so of each other.
4. You become a super efficient parenting machine and have routines in place to make life easier for everyone, including you.
5. They are likely to play well together, well not always, but when they’ve got a constant companion they seem to make it work.
6. Instead of you having to play with them all day you’ll find that your children team up and make their own fun, and mess!
7. Having a small age gap means that you won’t have to wait as long for the youngest child to go to the movies, theme parks and other activities restricted to older children.
8.They usually work arguments out quicker because if they don’t they won’t have anyone to play with.
9. You kids will go through the same stages in fairly close succession which means you’re prepared and know what to expect from them, especially from toddlers.
10. Toys, clothes and play things can be handed down almost instantly instead of having to be given away or stored for years.
11. If they’re all around the same age they’ll often be happy to play, watch or do the same thing. This means potentially less fighting and a more harmonious family – usually.
12. Life will be such a blur for you that you’ll quickly forget all those horrific toilet training moments and you’ll only remember the cute stuff.
13. It will be easier to help your school-aged children do their homework, attend sports practices and other social events if you haven’t got a newborn to take care of.
14. Your first child is unlikely to remember that he or she used to be any only child who got all the attention so adapts quicker to the new addition to the family really well.
15. A small age gap can also help with childcare choices if you work full time; you might find it’s cheaper to get a nanny than pay for two daycare places.
Quite frankly there is no such thing as the perfect age gap, you’ve just got to cope with what you’ve been given right?
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