If you’re pregnant you’ll most likely be nodding along to all of these quotes from expecting women.
1. ‘I loved looking at the cute app that compares the size of your baby to a fruit or vegetable. That is until week 39 when it said WATERMELON!’
Yes, yes, a lemon is adorable. Any kind of melon is NOT.
2. ‘I had never heard the words ‘mucus plug’ before pregnancy, but now I can’t wait to see it cause that means my baby could be on its way.’
Just don’t bring it up at a dinner party.
3. ‘Every night I lay awake, willing myself to go to sleep now, to make up for the sleep I’ll probably miss out on once bub arrives.’
Perhaps your body is getting you in training for the night time feeds?
4. ‘I can confidently find a toilet anywhere I go – petrol stations, libraries and even a hardware shop.’
When you have to pee every 15 minutes, this makes perfect sense.
5. ‘I’m the definition of irony. I just can’t get comfortable in bed despite the fact that I have about 17 pillows strategically placed around my body.’
Numbness, pins and needles, the constant need to wee, not being able to sleep on your back – it’s no wonder comfort is hard to come by.
6. ‘You can’t watch programs like the news or 60 Minutes, as they make you cry. Truth be told – I even cried during an ad for toilet paper.’
Anything to do with families or children is off limits. Avoid midday movies too.
7. ‘It is no longer possible to get up off a chair or out of bed without making some sort of groaning noise. Needless to say, I avoid beanbags.’
And WHY do they always have beanbags at the baby classes? Criminal.
8. ‘Nobody could every explain how amazing hiccups feel from the inside.’
Any movement from within can put a smile on your dial.
9. ‘When I drop something on the floor I use my feet or even some tongs to pick it up as bending down is just impossible.’
That’s just common sense.
10. ‘Isn’t it amazing that you can be so excited and yet extremely terrified at the same time.’
It’s perfectly natural to feel like this. But look around and see how many people have had babies before you – and survived!