By Michele Lloyd
Practicing home yoga shifts that you to lose the pregnancy weight gain whilst calming the mind and is great to do in combination with the Lose Baby Weight plans.
When I first had my daughter 4 years ago,  I found it easy to make the time to go for a walk or a swim or even take a trip to the gym where they had a child minding facility.
I found the weight fell off easily then, maybe because I was younger and more energised or just found I had more time for me with one child.
When the second child came along, I couldn’t even manage a brisk walk, let alone time to go for a swim or visiting the gym.
The weight has taken twice as long to come off and getting back to my original post baby weight was harder but I’ve found being a bit creative with my time management in juggling my preschooler and newborn has really paid off.
As finances get tighter with adding more babies to the mix, making ends meet is tough so I resorted to using my free local library to borrow yoga material.
I’ve always been into yoga. For years now, yoga has been a wonderful tool to use even throughout my pregnancies and even in labour. It’s really helped me with stress management around the house, from taming tantrums to soothing a teething baby. My patience has improved and my reaction and response to my children is more calm and controlled during the frustrating times.
I borrow DVDs of yoga classes and relaxation CDs that you can sit and chill out to or put on when your baby’s unsettled, soothing music to put on for your kids at play time and yoga books where you can get a deeper insight into the practice and techniques.
There are sometime kids yoga on DVD  that you can get to enjoy with your little ones, though you may find they just jump on your back when you are in child’s pose or in downward dog posture, but it’s a bit of fun and a good way of playing and interacting with your children.
Yoga offers relaxation of the body but more importantly the mind, through breathing techniques and postures. The simple postures can be practised, performed and perfected and although you may not be getting a vigorous sweat up, the common factor these postures have is that they focus on core strength.
The stomach usually is the hardest area for women to shift the last of that baby weight. By preforming yoga regularly you will lose all over body weight, strengthen your back and abdominal muscles as well as sculpt your entire body gently and naturally.
Anyone can give yoga a try and waiting 10-12 weeks after a caesarean is advised due to the healing time. Natural delivery mums can start as soon as they feel ready for a bit of light exercise.
Starting gently is always best as your body’s been through a lot of changes during pregnancy and labour and you will find even keeping your balance a challenge at first. Listen to your body and NEVER do anything that doesn’t feel right for you.
There are always modifications and options you can take for a gentler practice. Be kind to yourself, it’s a journey not a marathon and take time to breathe.
If practising yoga for the first time during pregnancy, be sure to choose classes specifically designed for pregnant mums as there are some precautions you need to know to keep baby safe inside.
The benefits of doing yoga at home is that you can choose the time you want to practise that fits in with your routine, you can set your time limit depending on baby’s naps , you’re home if baby wakes, no need to fuss with hair or makeup and pyjamas are perfect to practise in and there are no fees involved.
You could even invite other mums to join your DVD classes or really utilise your time and put a load of washing on or put dinner in the oven whilst you enjoy yoga. Even if you manage a quick 30 minute class twice a week, arrange a craft activity for your preschooler to busy themselves with and get into the zone whilst the baby sleeps.
Over time you will see the physical benefits and you will feel more energised. Remember the hardest thing is finding the time to put aside for your practise. The rewards are amazing with the added bonus of finding a happier, calmer parent from doing yoga. And to see some pilates exercise videos from the Lose Baby Weight trainer click here
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine that are safe in breastfeeding and can help support your milk supply.
And don’t forget to check out our current promotions and discounts page to see what specials we have on this week on our Healthy Mummy product range