Hi my name is Tiana and I’m so excited to be a Lose Baby Weight March motivating mum,
I fell pregnant in December 2011, I was tiny up until around 30 weeks, I would sit in bed of a night and eat 4 packets of easy mac and litre upon litre of fruit juice before falling asleep, it was then the weight started stacking on. I was always eating terribly and I would sleep for about 3/4 of the day. I remember not being able to feel my ankle bones or my cheek bones at all!!
At 37 weeks I went for my fortnightly check up and was told I have pre eclampsia and very high blood pressure, so they induced me, coming home after I had my son I decided to weigh myself, I was 92 kilos, I couldn’t believe it, I honestly just say down and cried. Thinking it was just water weight I didn’t do anything about it,
I got to the point where I refused to see any of my friends or go out anywhere because I was so ashamed. I hated taking aiden to the park and seeing all the mums run around with their children, I wanted to be one of those mums, I wanted to grow up with my son.
When my son was 5 months old, I weighed 87 kilos and I started looking around at different weight loss programs, I looked into gym classes, juice diets, fasting, anything I could find. But none of these were healthy or practical enough with a young baby,
January 2013 I signed up for the 28 day plan and brought some of the healthy mummy smoothies, started walking and the weight literally felt like it was melting off, but it wasn’t the scales that impressed me, it was what I was seeing in the mirror, I started looking so much healthier and happier, and it felt like a new me!!
I went through a rough period in June/July where I stopped drinking the smoothies and eating healthy, I ate chocolate all the time and lots of pasta, at that time I was went from 73 back up to 78, and although it doesn’t seem like much weight, I felt so yuck on the inside.
I decided to try again, and this time stay committed, this wasn’t a diet, I was going to change my mind and lifestyle completely, since starting I have lost 24 kilos, and I feel amazing!!  I know being involved with the lose baby weight program and with all the support you ladies give that you too can reach your goal.
I can’t wait to hear your stories and help you achieve your goals
Thank you so much
Tiana Odea xx
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan has now launched as 200pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here 
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