Because I had my girls 19 months apart I hadn’t really lost the pregnancy weight from my first pregnancy.
I didn’t consider it an issue or realise how much I’d actually gained until I saw photos from a friend’s wedding I attended in early October 2012.
That moment was my turning point,  as I was scrolling through my friend’s wedding pictures on Facebook in tears I saw the Lose Baby Weight advert – thank goodness!
One click on your link and I haven’t regretted a single moment!  I ordered the essentials pack, which, to my surprise, was delivered the next business day.


The healthy mummy smoothies are so easy and convenient and not to mention delicious!! I have one smoothie each day for breakfast.
I followed the tips in the little pink weight loss bible, and I noticed in the first few weeks I was starting to have more energy and overall I was starting to feel better about myself.
My next door neighbour suggested we start going for walks 3 afternoons a week after work which has now (5 months on) turned into 7km runs 3 nights a week plus 1 night of boxing and a Saturday morning hour long cardio session (all of which we do ourselves at no cost).
We have even participated in a few fun runs for charity. The weight has fallen off me and I’m happy to say I’m finding it easy to keep off.
Since starting the Lose Baby Weight plan in October 2012 I have lost 14kg
The Lose Baby Weight plans aren’t just a quick fix, they have changed my entire life and I will never go back to my old weight or unhealthy habits.
My check for my October stats are :
Weight 70 kgs
bust 92cm
waist 78cms
hips 99cm
thighs 63cm
I’m so happy – I can’t remember feeling this good even before I had kids. I can easily say I love and respect my body more now after kids 🙂
Your plans were the kick in the butt I needed to turn my life around so from the bottom of my heart I want to thank you for helping me to become a happy healthy fit mummy.
– Sherie Wilson
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan is available as a 200pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here 
Plus our NEW CALORIE BIBLE is now available – get your copy today! Only $19.95 and a must have in your handbag!
Click HERE to see our shop