Motivating Mum Andrea Dixon has lost over an amazing 9kgs with Lose Baby Weight and shares her end of month blog.

As January comes to a close so does my Motivating Mum status which I am very sad about, it has been such a wonderful experience and a huge motivation for myself and hopefully I have helped at least a few others with my story and journey thus far.
But as the January 28 Day Challenge comes to an end I now a lot of people worry that they will as many have said “fall of the wagon”. I know when I first started back in September I felt like I was going to loose my security blanket. How was I going to survive with out the meal and exercise plan that is the 28 Day Challenge, how will I keep losing weight etc.
But when the end of the Challenge came I survived and I kept losing weight and I did this by taking advantage of all the valuable lessons I had learnt. I prepared myself, I wrote meal plans and I searched for recipes on the website.
I also printed out my challenge recipes, meal plans, shopping lists and exercise program’s and made a file up and I do this for each challenge i do and these become my bibles for the off months.
I now have a wealth of recipes that I cook automatically as our everyday meal’s that are all becoming family favourites.
On the off months I reuse previous challenges and mix them up, even if you are just finishing your first Challenge the wealth of recipes on the website and included in the challenge will keep you going with an amazing array of recipes.
Food is not the main part of your journey exercise is also important and with the Challenge exercises you have enough to keep you going as well, I have also found that I am generally more active and think about my activity level all the time so even If I can’t do the exercises I challenge myself to go for a walk or do some squats.
Lose Baby Weight has changed my outlook on weight loss in the most positive way, not only am I succeeding I am also going to be able to maintain my losses with the information I have at hand.
I also know that even though I don’t always have the support I need at home I can get the support from the most amazing Facebook community.
So as the challenge comes to a close you and I can still keep going the Lose Baby Weight and The Healthy Mummy gives you all the support you need, there is no need to fall of the wagon when you are in control.
Andrea Dixon
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