Hello Lose Baby Weight Mummies,
Here is a long overdue update of my weight loss progress, but firstly a summary to date 🙂
I discovered the Lose Baby Weight plans whilst I was pregnant and soon after the birth of my first daughter, April 2013, I started following their facebook page and getting ideas for weight loss from the Lose Baby Weight website.
I went from 120.5kg to 101.5kg, over a few months by watching my food intake, walking and being inspired by the incredible mums who post to the LBW Facebook page.
I then stumbled at the end of 2013 and this saw my weight creep back up to 106.1kg. After Christmas 2013 I was wanting to kick start my weight loss again I decided to buy the Healthy Mummy Smoothies and Weightloss plans, this has been so beneficial to my weight loss.
My weight dropped 13.5kg in 13 weeks to 92.6kg, bringing my total weight loss to 27.9kg. This is about 5kg less than my pre pregnancy weight and my ultimate goal is around 72kg.
Over April my weight loss stalled because of Easter and not only my daughter’s 1st birthday celebrations but many of her little friends had parties too and this has seen me gain a little weight. However following my daughter’s birthday party last Sunday we threw out all the left overs, a task that was very hard for me to do but it had to be done to prevent me giving in to temptations, and my healthy eating is now back on track.
In the last month my weight had fluctuated up and down and Monday morning it was 4.6kg up but luckily a lot of it has been fluid retention and I am now only 1.8kg higher than my weight a month ago and it is still dropping.
Now I am back on track with my weight loss and along with the huge support of Lose Baby Weight and other members,  I am confident this weight will continue dropping and this month I will drop below 90kg.
I weighed 89kg on my wedding day and although following breastfeeding my bust is larger than it used to be which means my dress won’t do up when I reach 89kg, I still look forward to reaching this mini goal. I then can’t wait until I can fit into it again, the first time in almost 4 years, and then even better will be to see it become to large for me 🙂
Hope everyone has a fantastic May and I look forward to showing you my progress.
Mel Briggs
If you are ready to lose weight then the Lose Baby Weight plans offer a healthy and safe exercise and diet routine and you can get a 10% discount by using code LOYALTY at the checkout
PLUS our BEST SELLING 28 Day Diet & Exercise Plan is available as a 200pg Printed Book and you can get your copy here 
Plus our NEW CALORIE BIBLE is now available – get your copy today! Only $19.95 and a must have in your handbag!
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