The gut is responsible for processing or absorbing everything that your child eats. The gut helps to digest the food and pulls out the required vitamins and minerals that their little body needs.
But events such as gastro, allergies or being on antibiotics can wreak havoc with their systems, leading to issues.
If your child has runny or very hard poo; irregular bowel movements; gas; or bloating it could mean that there are problems within their gut.
has my child got a healthy gut
If you suspect that your child’s gut is in need of some love, try focusing on each of the four areas below.


Your child needs fibre in order to remove waste from their system – it’s sort of like an intestinal broom. When the waste is backed up, the bad bacteria in their gut can build up.
Try including some of these in your child’s diet.

Kid Friendly Fibre Rich Foods:

  • fresh blueberriesApples
  • Pears
  • Oranges
  • Raspberries
  • Blueberries
  • Kidney Beans
  • Peas
  • Almonds
  • Wholegrain Bread
  • Jacket Potatoes
  • Sweet Potatoes

Processed foods are best to be eaten minimally, as the fats and sugars in them are likely to promote the bad bacteria that can cause problems.

Healthy Fluids

Dairy_milk_rice_milkMany parents are so focused on getting enough fibre into their children that they forget the other important part of a healthy gut – fluids.
Without it, your child’s digestive system can get blocked up and this will make them very uncomfortable.
Lots of water, as well as some milk, are the two main drinks your child should be having.
There’s really no need for kids to be having juices and soft drinks (and definitely no sports drinks or energy drinks) as the sugar content is too high. Sugar promotes the growth of bad bacteria in the gut and reduces the room for good bacteria.
As part of the healthy fluid intake, it is important to remind busy kids to take a regular toilet break. ‘Holding it in’ is bad news for their insides, and can lead to bowel problems and constipation.


happy child and motherGet your kids moving and this will also help to keep their digestive system moving too.
It doesn’t have to be organised sport or a paid spot at a kiddie gym.
Just get them out and about. It could be walking, kicking a ball, riding a scooter, chasing a butterfly, exploring a beach – anything that gets them moving.


Worry and stress can cause tummy upset for kids, meaning constipation or loose stools.
Try your best to talk with your child about any issues they are having at school, with friends, with toilet training, or anything else so that they know that you are there to help and support them.

What Else?

You can also try a supplement if you (or your doctor) feel that this would be appropriate. Speak to your GP or your pharmacist for some advice.

Take part in the 28 Day Challenge

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Results from mums on the 28 Day Challenge

Mums lose an average of 4-6kg (8-13 pounds) on our 28 Day Challenge and below are some of the amazing results from mums JUST LIKE YOU who are already using the 28 Day Challenge and losing tummy fat – make the change and join them today too!
You can see lots of more results and you can join here too
Lizzie lost 10kg (22 pounds) on 3 Challenges
Lizzie says: “The food is delicious and very easy to make. The recipes are very simple and don’t require a lot of ingredients.
I love that the menu plan for the week is all worked out and it can be customised to suit your family and the ingredients you may have on hand” Join here
Eliza lost 22kg (48 pounds) on 4 Challenges
Eliza says “I started in September with my first 28 Day Weightloss Challenge. I lost 8 kg that month. So far I have lost 22 kg. But it is what I have gained which will make me a supporter for life! Join here
Ashley has lost 22kg (48 pounds) on 4 rounds
Ashley says “To date I have now lost over 22kg since starting with the 28 Day Challenges.  Back in September I never thought I would be where I am now in a short six months.” Join here
Lauren has lost 46kg (101 pounds) on 6 rounds
Lauren says “I’d highly recommend starting with a 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges. It’s such a great way to learn about healthy eating and exercise….. The Challenges are perfect as they run for 28 days, with so many different customizable options for every meal and day” Join here
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