Annie has just started following the healthy eating meal plans from the 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges but has already lost 6.1kgs and she feels amazing.
healthy eating diet plans
This is the first Lose Baby Weight 28 Day Weight Loss Challenge I have participated in and it has definitely provided the extra motivation I needed to kick start my weight loss journey.
I gave birth 6 months ago and I put on a lot of weight while I was pregnant, I’m embarrassed to admit I put on a massive 33kgs. But today I am so proud to say that with the help of Lose Baby Weight and the supportive Lose Baby Weight Facebook community I have already lost 6.1kgs and 39cms total from my measurements, including 17cms from my waist.
I still have a lot left to lose and after carrying a baby for 9 months I know my body will never be what it was pre-pregnancy but I feel amazing.
I am healthier than ever and well on my way to being fitter than ever too.
Thank you Lose Baby Weight.
Annie Brown
Lose Baby Weight- Challenge
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