Our 2nd runner up in the weight loss mum of the month is Amy Garrow and Amy has done an amazing job with her weight loss and has lost 6kg!  Amy wins a $100 Myer voucher and you can see her story below.

Amy’s Weight Loss Story

“My name is Amy and I’ve lost 6 kg on the Lose Baby Weight program. In only 8 weeks. Whilst breastfeeding (and being naughty and eating a few too many desserts along the way as well!!)
My baby is 8 months old and I gained about 16 kg during my pregnancy.
My baby weighed 4.1kg so you can imagine my disappointment when after I got home from hospital I had only lost 4kg!!! I was like “what the??”
(I think a week of sitting and being sooo hungry from breastfeeding and my milk coming in actually made me gain weight after she was born! Who knows!!)

Anyway over the next month I lost another 6 kg but in the next 6 months I did not lose a single gram and I still had 8 kg to go to be at my pre baby weight. I kept hoping it would just come off on its own and any time I tried to eat better it just didn’t work because I was breastfeeding and still soo hungry and would end up making unhealthy food choices to ease my immediate hunger (lots of sugar laden muesli bars and muffins and banana breads).

Anyway, one day whilst reading one of your great Facebook status updates I decided that’s it I’m checking out this website and when I saw that you sold a product (not just offered recipes or exercises) I was very interested and to see it was breastfeeding approved was great as I want to keep breastfeeding as long as I can and I had just made the sad realisation that getting my figure back would have to wait.
I have NEVER been on a diet before so I was really worried about how I would cope. But I have got to say I really enjoyed it! I was actually sad to stop having the smoothies as they are so convenient in that I don’t have to stand in front of my pantry/fridge trying to come up with something to eat let alone choosing something healthy!
I also really liked the taste. My daily combo was chocolate smoothie mix with half a frozen banana and a handful of frozen berries with 2 tbsp oats and ¾ cup skim or organic soy milk. I also added in ½ tsp ground flaxseeds for omega 3’s and some powdered pro-biotic I take.
In the first week I lost 1.3 kg – I was amazed!! After 6 months of loosing NOTHING. So I continued.
After 2 weeks I could do up my jeans again! (no more belly belt elastic extension piece) and after 3 weeks I could wear my shorts again and felt confident to wear them! I now get complements from all my friends saying I look skinny! Not just “look good” but that I looks skinny – so  I am thrilled! This diet could not have been easier for me and I’ve loved it.
In total I lost 6 kg in 7-8 weeks and really enjoyed it. I had 2 smoothies a day instead of breakfast and lunch and 2 decent snacks as well as my normal dinner and a snack after dinner. We went out for dinner or lunch quite a few times and I even ate dessert or indulged on something else and I STILL lost weight!!
Now my hubby is gonna start on the smoothies too as I’ve got some left over and he wants to shed a few kg!
Here is a before (from Christmas day – after one of my not very tactful aunties thought I was pregnant again!!) and after shot from a walk the other day – yes I accidently dressed my bubs and I in the same colours!)”
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