Where do I start? To tell you what the Lose Baby Weight pregnancy weight loss plans and 28 Day Plan has done for me I must first tell you my story (sorry this might be a long one).
During pregnancy I put on over 26kgs (I stopped counting), but produced a beautiful healthy 4kg baby boy (to match my 6ft husband, and I’m a little mini just over 5ft… people thought I was having twins!) by emergency C-section following a 28 hour labour.
After the birth I expected the birth weight to start dropping off… a small portion did but the rest stayed, given that getting back on the band wagon was held back a little due to the surgery I tried not to beat myself up about it and did everything I could when I was able and eventually lost another approximately 6kgs or so, very far from where I still wanted to be.
Not only was this the first kick in the gut struggling to lose weight when I had never had this problem before, but 6 months after the birth of my son I started working a casual night and weekend shift job so me or my husband would always be caring for our son, day care not an option with our mortgage hanging over our heads and I wasn’t comfortable with putting him into other care until he was at least 12 months anyway.
So 3 months in to the job, already struggling with losing weight and now sleep deprivation, I was injured at work. A lower lumber disc bulge with sciatica (nerve pain down the legs that normal painkillers can’t help and ones that can are not suitable for a mother caring for her child). Basically long story short (or short as I can be), caring for my son was near on impossible, let alone losing weight.
I tried to eat as little as possible instead, without much luck. Things got so bad I needed someone to care for my son full time, but my mother wasn’t always available and my husband was only available for any time he wasn’t working, but sleep deprivation and a rep on the road was not a good mix.
We had to make one of the biggest gambling decisions of our lives, for my husband to cease work to take care of us, in the hope that the injury would heal quickly and we could get on with our lives. Of course, another blow, it was not improving much at all. Having a mortgage meant we had to give up our home as we could no longer make repayments.
For a long time sufferer of Depression and Anxiety¸ this just took me to a new low. We relocated to another state leaving my family and friends behind and went to live with my husbands parents who took care of us and our son as we could no longer provide for any of us ourselves.
Anyway, I still have this disc bulge & have tried to lose weight, tried shakes, eathing healthy, but with the inlaws love of treats, temptation was high and I was weak so I failed miserably.
The only way I knew to lose weight was exercise, but it was always full on exercise for me and something I could no longer do, I couldn’t even walk up hills, and we were living on one! Due to my mental state, we took another gamble and my husband went back to work which then allowed us to find a cheap little rental to live in by ourselves.
My son now 18months was capable of walking himself around and required a lot less lifting so we hoped this would work in our favour. This helped me to a certain point and I was able to drop another few kgs, but from there I couldn’t budge it. It finally got to a point where that was it, something had to be done to change our lives and mine… enough was enough I was willing to try anything.

4.6kg in 4 weeks!

I knew I wanted to lose weight but I thought maybe if I took it seriously enough that it would even help my back taking pressure off it so it may have a chance to heal. A long shot but I was willing to try anything at this point. When I got onto the Lose Baby Weight Plan I thought what the hell, have to try it there’s nothing to lose just hopefully some blubber and maybe some tasty food.
So when I received it, I started it then and there… not tomorrow… right then! 28 days I can do this I thought (secretly thinking yeah right I’m going to starve and hate tasteless rabbit food.) 
4 weeks in and OMG so tasty and I’ve dropped about 4.6kgs! I have learnt so much about food… portions… no wonder I was getting nowhere I was eating triple that! Such healthy food and it can taste good! I have more energy to keep up with my little man, more smiles on his face than sadness (except when we are teething), something I couldn’t help him with much before no matter how I tried.
I feel more comfortable in my clothes… no muffin top! And I don’t jiggle anymore… well the boobs can’t be helped I’ve always been well um… formed. But more than just the loss of numbers and increased energy… the pain has now become a rarity rather than a constant, I feel the pressure on my spine having been lifted. I have been trying to rid myself of this pain for a year!
And 3 weeks and the results have been amazing! We still don’t have anything much financially, but my family have gained so much in these 3 weeks. I have found myself again, I am me again, just with a gorgeous little boy and amazing husband. Nothing is going to tear us down!
Thank you so much for not only helping me lose weight but potentially changing our lives. I am now studying online, and hoping to do so much more and believing that I can. Things I never thought possible, including the possibility of having another child in the future. My journey has only just begun and you have helped this happen.
A really tasty, healthy and relatively easy meal to make that will have your taste buds doing a happy dance!
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